Acupuncture for Stress and Anxiety
Anxiety | Depression | Insomnia | Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) | Fatigue | Brain Fog | Heart Palpitations |Tension Headaches | Addiction and Recovery | Mood Swings | Nervous System Dysregulation
Emotional and Psychological Wellness
The COVID pandemic, constant distraction from social media, the 24-hour news cycle, and the struggle of living through the indignities and absurdities of today’s society–is it any wonder everyone is stressed out?
As a holistic medicine that has centered the connection between mind, body, and spirit for thousands of years, Chinese medicine recognizes the profound links between our personal histories and collective traumas and our physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing. Offering compassionate and calming support for our patients suffering from anxiety and overwhelm is always a part of supporting their optimal health.
On Your Healing Team
Taking time for self-care isn’t always easy. But even an hour a week acupuncture getaway can make a difference in reclaiming the sense of peace and happiness that is your birthright. If, like so many people, you’ve been suffering from chronic insomnia, which makes it nearly impossible to feel like you’re living your best life, your acupuncture treatments and herbal prescriptions may focus on re-regulating your sleep cycle so that your body is able to once again regularly engage in the healing that only happens during deep sleep.
Whether you’re looking to drop that drink (or two) a day habit you picked up during the pandemic, wake up with more energy each day, or get out of a near-constant “fight or flight” mode–your acupuncturist can be an important member of your healing team.
“I wanted a Chinese medicine treatment to help me recover from a terrible sinus infection and an emotionally difficult week. I talked with Lisa about how I actually don't love needles and she proposed a number of other modalities, including gua sha, moxa and cold laser therapy, which stimulates the same points as acupuncture needles would….
Lisa told me about each modality as she began them and I fell into a deeply restful state….My favorite part was the warm bamboo roller of moxa on my back - it gently coaxed the knots out of my muscles and the tension out of my spine, and smelled amazing. I left feeling more calm and pain free than I had been for a while. Lisa was a healing presence and I highly recommend her intuitive and expert treatments”
- Rachel H.