Sports Medicine Acupuncture
Plantar fasciitis | Shoulder Impingement | Tennis Elbow | Golfer’s Elbow | Runners Knee | Shin Splints | Sprained Ankle | Achilles Tendonitis | IT Band Pain | Ligament and Meniscus Injuries | Hip Pain
Acupuncture and Dry Needling for Athletes
Whether you are a professional competitor or an armchair athlete, Injuries and nagging pains can prevent you from doing the thing you love. Sports acupuncture and trigger point acupuncture, aka dry needling, are safe and effective tools for injury recovery and pain management.
By reducing pain, decreasing inflammation,and correcting muscle imbalances, sports medicine acupuncture and dry needling can facilitate the body’s healing while preventing re-injury. At Griffin Acupuncture & Integrative Medicine, other modalities including cupping, moxibustion, gua sha, Chinese herbs, and cold laser or LED light therapy may be included in your treatment if indicated. An avid runner, certified running coach, and longtime yoga student herself, Dr. Lisa may also include rehabilitative exercises and nutrition as part of your treatment plan
Performance Enhancement and Injury Prevention
If you’ve managed to avoid injuries (knock wood), sports medicine acupuncture can help keep you healthy and improve stamina and performance by targeting key muscle groups before your big race or game day.
Perfect for runners, cyclists, tennis players, soccer players, and athletes of all kinds, athletic performance acupuncture treatments focus on activating inhibited muscles and releasing tight ones to optimize performance and prevent injury. Electro-acupuncture is frequently used to enhance treatment effects. Let’s get you to the start line/game day/pickleball court in top condition!
“Lisa is amazing. Her techniques are gentle yet effective. She is a great listener, empathetic, caring, and easy to open up too. She helped me with plantar fasciitis, hip flexor, piriformis, and low back issues. I am an ultrarunner so really appreciate working with someone who understands athletes.”
-Suzy K.